Friday, January 18, 2013

Welcome all.  I know there are a lot of sites out there that dedicated to B films and bad cinema overall, and the majority approach to all of them are a little on the mean spirited side to say the least.  Not that this site will pull a punch.   Far from it.  Rather it'll be more a case of helping someone up after ruthlessly knocking them down.  I'm looking to find the best in the worst films, television and music around.  Afterall, no one sets out to fail at anything and that goes double for those brave enough to make a movie.  Clearly this won't be a site for newer reviews (unless there's a chance a it'll be horrible in some way shape or form) and if you find a subject on here that you disagree with me on the merits of, please feel free to give me a verbal once over-debate is always healthy.  Also, subjecting youself to hypnotically bad movies can only be performed by a trained professional.  Do not try this at home.